Talking About New Year’s Resewlutions
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Ups! Maybe it is a little bit late for that… Nah! We are still in January, aren’t we? Then, let me wish you all a wonderful, amazing and… crazy 2018!
I guess you have your resolutions, goals and hopes for this new year in somewhere. Perhaps, you wrote them in some paper that you keep hidden in a drawer. Or, maybe you didn’t write them, but you have some ideas in your mind.
A list of projects
I have to admit it… I am that kind of person who makes one thousand lists about every thing (except my shopping at the supermarket… It makes no sense, I know!). Usually, in some point between 15th of December and the end of January, I write some list about what I expect to do or achieve during that new year.
For a lot of reasons, this 2018 is slightly different. First of all, because following some ideas from Oye Deb! (blog in Spanish ^.^’), I decided to start writing a list of thanks/no thanks/good things/memorable stuff about last year. A good therapy and, also, a nice way to say bye! to this 2017.
Of course I have a lot of things included on that imaginary list for 2018: eat better, some exercise, read more, be more patience, … that kind of stuff. But, let’s be honest, it is completely useless to write it. We forget about them in March, April or when finally, the sun shines again.
Then, why bother?
Use Your Stash and Create Garment that You Actually Use
Anyway, even without that list, I had two real “resolutions” directly related with my sewing projects and I really want to take them seriously.
Try to use all those fabrics and supplies that I already have. They are not just a lot of money… They are a lot of space!!! I have sewing supplies in two different countries and I am sure that I have more fabric in my room than finished garments! I don’t really have a lot of space and I really need to use some stash before getting new supplies.
Try to make projects for myself that I can actually wear. It is nice when I make some amazing piece because I want to practice that pattern that they taught me at the Academy or I want to know if I’m able to make that structure that I saw in a magazine… but I do not have space for one thousand pieces that I can really wear.
At this point, I know that it is useless if I just write those two points in a paper. I find better things to do or I just forget about them. It is obvious that I need to find the way to make them real. You can’t get different results if you are all the time doing always the same.
That’s why I wrote a list of “optional” projects. But with common sense, mixing things that I need or I can use everyday with my stash. A sensible project plan with no stress about it: no dates and no order. Because, also, I need to enjoy the process.
Sewing Plan or Project Guide
Probably you will be thinking “but…. what is on that list?” Time to confess.
Remake black skirt. One of my first projects at the school was a skirt. Soft pleats in a beautiful floral fabric in black. One of my favourite fabrics: simple but gorgeous and excellent quality. The problem? Now it’s like 3 sizes up and I need to adjust it. I never find the moment.
Red jacket or coat. I have some synthetic wool in red… like 3 metres! Using a lot of space in my wardrobe for nothing and I need another outerwear. Not a cape, not a short jacket, with hood maybe… And I should be quick with that or Winter will be gone when I finish it.
Hounds tooth jacket I got that amazing fabric at Warehouse of the Cloth House in Camden and I can use a jacket during Spring. Anyway, it is just an idea… not sure about it.
Another Tartan Dress… because I love them and I have a lot of tartan and plaid fabrics. I made one last year and I think I could wear it everyday. It is comfortable, nice and I feel like it is more me than myself.
Circle skirt with tartan fabric. because I can match it with my wardrobe right now and I think I have the perfect fabric. Maybe I won’t love it so much I do with my tartan dress, but I think it is a realistic project.
Sixties/baby doll dress in black. I have a project in my notebooks about it for long time. I think it is a good moment for making it real.
Golden kimono. Last summer I got an amazing golden fabric at the Cloth House. When I saw it, I though “I need it!!!” knowing that I didn’t have any idea about what to make with it. But I had to get it. With this list and this time thinking about what I use or wear frequently, or what I feel comfortable with, I realized that I love a kimono that I have in my wardrobe.So, I just need some similar but longer and less simple… for when I’m just wearing black with black and I want some colour (but not too much!).
I have more ideas with other fabrics but I think that it is a realistic list for the moment. Perhaps, in some point, I decide to make any other project before all of those. That’s not a problem with this plan. Also, they are things that I would like to sew and I can actually use everyday.
We will see if it works.
Time to Work
I thought it would be easier starting the year with the skirt (remake). Then, I realised that if I want to make the red coat, it needs to be now or leave it until summer or autumn. Also, I’m in a really “red fabric” mood these days.
I’ve been drawing a lot of ideas during the last two weeks. Some things are really clear but I need to decide some basic stuff before making the pattern. I have thousand doubts about the hood or collar and the “skirt” or main shape. I am trying to figure out what I like the most.
This time I will put for sure some pockets. Usually I don’t like them in dresses or jackets because when I start to use them I really fill them and the garment loses shape. But, in this case, a coat really needs them anyway.
That’s all for the first post of 2018, now my notebook and sketches wait for me. I plan to make the pattern and probably cut the fabric this week… Wish me some good luck!!!
Meanwhile, you can tell me your New Year’s Resewlutions! Have you made any kind of list? Don’t be shy and tell me. I will be glad to read your comments!